Tuesday, March 12, 2013

clean up digital file, 2013 personal note

Here is my list about what I do to make clean up my digital file this year :   
  • filter your gmail
  • keep your inbox empty
  • delete unnecessary duplicate file
  • bring your data online
  • use online notepad to archive
  • information diet
  • unsubscribe unnecessary feed
  • Create your own "Distraction" Account
  • program your own backup
  • install basic program
  • organize your bookmark
you can see the updated list on my FAQ COMPUTER in evernote. 

Or simple principles
  • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
  • Do Less, Automate More
  • Discipline
Before I explain about my method to clean up, I have to apologize about something
  • I dont have the link to all original article.
  • Every person have their own need, and some may have to do a complete different things than what written here. 
  • And because of that this article may contain my own personal taste.
  • For another OS, you may have to search alternative software from what I have. I suggest you use  site like alternativeto.net
  • For advanced use of the software which I mentioned here, I suggest you read the software documentation.

Email filter example
  • filter your gmail (GOAL: 0 email in inbox)
    use filter for your email, so your incoming email will be given label, marked as read, archived or deleted automatically. searching google about email filter will give you a lot of tips about it. You may also have to some obligatory label like "account", "shopping", "newsletter", "family",  "friend", "study" and Work.If your inbox have 0 email, then congratulation you success the level 1 email management.  
  • keep your inbox empty (GOAL: STILL 0 email in Inbox)
    Here is the second level about your email inbox management. with filtering enable you should be more easier to do this. But you have to still control the filter your trash but with less frequency of checking your email before. If necessary you can edit, delete or make a new filter.  
  • delete unnecessary duplicate file
    For this one I use fslint. Not only checking for size comparison, this software can also search duplicate filename.
  • bring your data online
  • There is still some debate about privacy, law and so on. but remember rather having 2 type of backup is better than one. For this I use dropbox.com because its simplicity. I actually only backup my List of file  of my collection in hardisk, so I can download it if something happen to my hardisk.   

  • use online notepad to archive
  • This is where I learn my mistake a lot. Archiving paper isnt as easy as it look. I kept my writing, idea, story on scrap paper, but at the end I have no Idea which order, or what the original idea looks like. Thats why this time I use my evernote.com account to archiving my paper work. For more Idea about what you can do, see andrew c maxwell's posts about his first 100 and second 100 evernote use  

  • information diet
    Just like food, you cant process all the information in internet. It is just way over human capacity. Thats why you have to limit your information feed, starting with your social network. 
  • unsubscribe unnecessary feed
    This is the second stage of information diet. Just unsubscribe it. If necessary just quit it. Its your choice anyway. You can ask yourself, if I dont have this information, will the world end for me? Or I can just unsubscribe  (or quit) from this feed.
  • Create your own "Distraction" Account.
    This is like second stage alternative. If you think you cant unsubscribe your feed, create a new "Distraction" account. Just visit this account in your free time.
    In my experience this was success for me. In my "Distraction" account may be hundred of article waiting to be read.    
  • program your own backup
    You can use the free (or commercial) backup software, but when you want more you can program your own backup. Last Time I on Windows, I use Belvedere to automate moving and deleting my files. But when I am on Linux I see bigger potential on raw script especially on Python. there is many script in internet you can copy and create your own weekly backup program. It also double as your programming learning.  
  • install basic program
    In my friend's computer I use  ninite to install basic software . For people on linux this software is also can be your reference if you wan to install basic software in your computer
  • organize your bookmark
     There maybe need more additional post for this, but here are 2 quick tips: 

  • use super sorter chrome extension to sort and and find duplicate 

  •  use am-deadlink to check if page still exist.

  •  List of Software and internet service I used in this Article here

  • alternativeto.net - find alternative software
  • gmail - email 
  • Fslint - find duplicate file for linux 
  • dropbox.com - online storage
  • evernote.com  - online note
  • Belvedere - automate copy, move and delete file on windows
  • ninite.com - install and update windows software
  • Super sorter - chrome extension to sort and find duplicate bookmark
  • Am-Deadlink - check if bookmark still exist. 
  • 1 comment:

    1. Wow! These steps you shared will definitely help anyone who wants to organize their digital files. Thanks, Dani! Due to the vast digital space computers offer nowadays, losing a document or two is common, not to mention the possibility of corrupted files. It would be best to regularly organize files while ensuring that one has a backup.

      Ruby Badcoe @Williams Data Management
