Saturday, December 25, 2010

i love writing part two : online and offline solution for writing on pc

writing Pictures, Images and Photos
now for pc

this is the second part of my project report and this time we will talk about tools. i am here to answer what do we use to make a good writing. some people would said that writing isn't about your tool but the content of your tool which is more important. but for me better tool for writing is needed as the addition for the enjoyment of writing itself. so let me list what i like to use for my great writing.

this one is simple solution for working online. as the new google chrome OS come to the market i feel like i have to be used to the google docs as i can feel how to work on cloud computing. this also have another function as an collaborating tool. i have already tried it to make some project with my friend and it is awesome. but the down side of this tool is that you need Internet to do it and a google account . anything else is that google cant completely change is to replace the offline desktop office environment. if you have time you should also see another alternative like Zoho.
this is another of my favorite. it it open source and almost like super tool you can use for making a great text work. since it also offline and you can install it on which ever OS do you have (windows, mac OS, and Linux). maybe majority would choose another alternative, Microsoft office, but it is your choice. another alternative would be this Abiword. Abiword would have smaller installation package and maybe more simple than two office environment i already mentioned
one application that got on my favorite list recently. this software is almost same like libre office, but it have this feature that let you writing without distraction. another feature that i like is the typewriter sound. it little bit of oldies but actually funny and yet i love it. another alternative would be this online form like Pyroom or this one, Darkcopy.
this one come with little size but huge function. perfectly build for taking a note and another small writing but important in unpredicted time. another plus point is that you can add useful plug in on this one. they various plug in and i recommend adding latex support for some one who need to write their mathematical function here. if you are on Ubuntu, tomboy note also support back up in Ubuntu one. the downside here is that tomboy only have limited text editor. you may need a bigger office environment like in Libre Office or Microsoft Office. The alternative is like Evernote.
i didn't mean to write all my application here. but this is one of application i need to access all of that with speed typing. also with additional plug in you can do computer activity with writing, no mouse needed. you can also reach your browser and do some Internet activity with this one. a great software indeed if you lazy to use your mouse. the downside is that you still need to learn how to work with this for a while and you will how useful this one. another alternative for this one is google desktop.

that what help me on my everyday life. i write this post using focus writer and upload anything with chrome. if you want more alternativ  software than this list you can also search on alternativeto, a website that i already mentioned on another post of mine.
ps note: merry christmas and happy new year. wish for more writing in next year.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Love Writing part one : 13 demotivational background how to fight it

Writing Pictures, Images and Photos
one of essence of life

This is actually one of the basic activity that human do when they are created. It help people to move civilization to our latest technology. For normal people they are starting learn to write on their elementary education, so for the majority of us we can actually write because some of this background. Little question for this, if someone can write, do they love to write?
When i start this project i am now almost on my twenty. Before that i hate writing because these reasons:
  1. My writing was so bad that only i can understand it. Sometimes even i don't understand it myself.
  2. Everybody said my writing is so bad, that they believe my handwriting isn't one way of communicating.
  3. I thought it was useless activity that didn't produce any money.
  4. I don't have time for it. My time will better used for games to entertain myself.
  5. It is too much of a work. I can speak to give people my point.
  6. I need at least a pen and a book to start to write.
  7. My grammar was so bad that i need better medium than a text.
  8. I try to write some kind of text work but it failed.
  9. I don't have any idea about why i have to write or what do i have to write
  10. There is no class for writing, it also mean i have to go back to elementary education to improve my writing.
  11. I need big creativity to start writing.
  12. I am not on the age where i have to write too much.
  13. I don't know how to start this project.

That is my reason before i started this project. Then after some motivation and life experience i can answer most of these.
  1. My writing was so bad that only i can understand it. Sometimes even i don't understand it myself. So try to write to yourself at first. When you don't i understand what you want to say to yourself, it mean you need some clarification about your idea. The cleanliness of some writing is relative. Some would say that your handwriting is so dirty that they can't recognize anything, but for me what people say about “bad handwriting” is that they didn't know the beautiful abstract pattern from the author. as time goes flow if you take some class on writing or just write more and improve yourself, it actually can help you to make you writing more beautiful.
  2. Everybody said my writing is so bad that they believe my handwriting isn't one way of communicating. this is one of those “believe” that you realize in your life. Try to ignore their “believe”. Their parameter isn't like yours. You have your own style. you can make it a magnificent mail server that will deliver thousand of your idea. you need now only some guidance to make it better and you can improve for it later.
  3. I thought it was useless activity that didn't produce any money. you don't need money to feel that writing is a great activity. It almost same as doing good deeds. Do you need money for it? NO, but from these both great activity you can get enjoyment and actually with writing you can make your head more clear. Another way to run out of problem without alcohol.
  4. I don't have time for it. my time will better used for games to entertain myself. have you ever heard about text game. It was interesting game where online people try to continuously write a story and always in the end they got some story with mixed genre. It was actually a great games and i enjoy it a lot. Sometime i even create for myself some kind of text game and write a great or just mixed text without any meaning. with these i entertain myself and my stress is gone. why don't you make for yourself a game where you can write a thousand word without worries about anything. maybe i will play it with you.
  5. It is too much of a work. I can speak to give people my point. how much of a work is writing actually and can speak replace the plus point of writing? I love to speak and sometime beside writing i also speak for my ideas. With only speaking you have to put more effort so that your idea will be supported. let me quote from my favorite show about this writing. “...Book (text) is a magic to give message through time...”. for me this quote mean that you can share the world your idea without time barrier through writing.
  6. I need at least a pen and a book to start to write. with our latest technology writing isn't only about a pen and book. Your handy, laptop, or your wall could be help to write. It give you also the impression of a clever modish person when you are writing. If you think you are embarrassing yourself when you are writing, just think think that you are a new Shakespear, or JK Rowling, or sir Arthur Conan Doyle that will create some kind of artwork that will shock the world. a little bit of imagination would give you some confident.
  7. My grammar was so bad that i need better medium than a text. it is such you can't explain the times you were writing or some kind of typos that people always do. it is natural. But you don't need to be some grammar expert to start this. Maybe . You don't have to write a medical journal here. a simple text explain about who you are or what do you like will do. only a few grammar needed in that.
  8. I try to write some kind of text work but it failed. failed is one step to success as people said. I find it a little bit of lame. But do you remember the passion when you are doing that? Do you enjoy the writing when you make that text work? if you can find in your memory enjoyment when doing this text work, than this failure is another little slope that will not stop you to make better one. after that maybe you will make a new text work where you can find more enjoyment like the last one with little bit of improvement that will produce a successful text.
  9. I don't have any idea about why i have to write or what do i have to write. “who am i?” that is a simple question that i can't answer it myself. Actually it pretty simple any idea will do. you don't need experiment, funny story, or great experience to start it. another question that i always asking is “what do i feel”. Every time i ask these little question, it give me a lot of idea. simply asking about anything around you will start the gear of idea. Just try it.
  10. There is no class for writing, it also mean i have to go back to elementary education to improve my writing. wow that is little bit of extreme. It feels like that i have to learn rocket science to drive a car. Put the useless hard work away and find a way to simplifying thing. There are many tutorial on how to write better better on Internet. if you cant find it or need more there is also thousand of book reviewing about writing. but remember if you do that without writing it also meaningless. if you cant find it after all, why don't write “book for writing” by yourself. i will buy it.
  11. I need big creativity to start writing. no, a pen and paper will do. many alternative also available about this. When you have it just start writing. Just like 9 put all your mind to it. writing, writing about anything maybe with some kind of help from your favorite music or your lovely snack will add great some boost. after that when you finish, you will not realize how much of writing you have done and maybe amount of snack that already gone. 
  12. I am not on the age where i have to write too much. there is not word “too young” or “too old” for writing. Any kind of people can do this. there are no limits to writing. no gender, race, skin or location. you can write as whoever you are.
  13. I don't know how to start this project. if you have interest about this project and want to start it by yourself, it would be a great. What i find the most important things you need to have (except your writing tool) is a simple motivation to keep you writing. “why i write?” is the most simple motivation search tool that will help you to motivate yourself.nothing is too late.

In the end let me quote my favorite sentence
Do not wait. The time will never be ´just right´. Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” Nap Hill

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am spotting the web:

hallo and good day to you. today i want to recommend this great website.
somehow have the same meaning 
no its all about 101 project on 1001 days. i think its reasonable, because it can motivate people. as they said:
create a list of 101 you want to do in the next 1001 days
 it also mean you have more than 2 years to complete you wonderful goals and this website help you for it. what kind of help did they offer? actually its pretty simple. they help you to list some of goals and share it with the world. if you register you can see a thousand of goals. from there you can make it yours. your action to the goal here divided into 3 part. you can add that to your "to-do list" for a quick achievement, or add that to your "someday list" for your future reference and "i`ve  done this" if you have already done that. pretty simple right?
this actually give you some rough imagination about what you want to do in your life. life with rich goal will giive you a lot adventure and challenge. it also wonderful if you can influence other people to do same thing and help them reach they goal.
if you want to list you goal this website will help you and inspire you. so go and pick it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I am spotting the web

hallo its me again. this week i dont have anything much to tell you. this kind of post will give you, which website that i frequently following. this time its is alternativeto

the function of alternativeto is to give choice of alternative software you are using. the software first divide into few categories: windows, macintosh linux, ios, android, win phone, s60 and online. as you can see not only for computer but also with hp as well. if you cant find alternative software you want for you software you can register and add that into the website.
its great website which i always visit to search my old os alternative software. enjoy and happy winter

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to : solve resistor warming case mathematically

A magnetic coil, which made from copper have constant voltage. In operation the temperature is going higher from 12 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius. How much percentage has the electric current changed by the warming of the coil?
bonus. how much is the percentage of the resistor?
What we know?
voltage is constant
This function about how to search resistor from a certain temperature

= Resistor from temperature theta
= Resistor from referenced temperature
= coefficient from temperature which depend on the material
= referenced temperature (in most case 20 degrees Celsius)

what do we need to calculate

okay here is the answer

that is the way to search the resistor's percentage

then move to electric current

with that we can search for the percentage

thats all. 19% change on resistor and 16% on Electric current.

headfake from this post.

  • use Latex for this mathematic calculation
  • thanks to codecogs for letting me write latex on blogspot
  • i use lyx to get better view of what i calculate
  • it also give me another project about how to install latex plugin on Ubuntu

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Transfer Project 2010 part 4 : Final

one of the best
When you read this post, that mean another person on this world join with one of the best os in the world. 
Anyway as you read this, my computer is running on ubuntu. one of the linux distribution, perfect for newbie just like me. backup is the time wasting part on this project. i have thousand unarranged file on my wubi and window xp and i have to move this on my external harddisk and maybe move it back to this computer.
not only with file management, software and driver also give me more weight on this problem. i already tested new pro evolution soccer 2011 but it didnt work because my old computer spesification. next problem is also the setting on my cairo dock. i have make it from the very beginning. the last problem significant problem is the look of my ubuntu. i have already change the windows style and icons on appearance but because i forget how i change the appearance on my wubi, i didnt feel my new ubuntu look better than the last.
what help me most on this project is internet. yes, internet. i dont need any other people to set up my computer or to ask, because i already have internet. luckily my place got a decent internet speed, so i dont get let down on this project. I warn you. if you want to change to ubuntu, you have to have a real computer management on everything. just like what software do you want to use? what must i need to do this or that? is there specific file that i need? if you can answer those question, there is still another question. so dont worry.
migration process is quite a hastle but thanks for this post i can get it through. the command isnt always working so if you fail just copy it just like you always do. on my migration not all command cant work so did manual labor, file managemen through nautilus. the back on source is working but cant back up everything. make sure you read till the end, because there is a good comment about how to not download everything.
on ubuntu i need few things from my old windows. just like my langenschiedt e-dictionary. its little bit tricky. what do you need is wine and q4wine. both is already on software center so just search this name. open q4wine and go to wine icon on setup tab. click 'install winetricks' to get list of essential windows application for wine. after that you have to search for 'vcrun2005' and click 'install'. after installation go to your langenschiedt folder, install the font on 'fonts' folder on  and run 'ew_lkg.exe' with wine. that should do the trick. that also work for byki. the step is almost the same but now you have to search for 'msls31', 'urlmon' and 'riched20' on winetricks.
detailed explanation will be on another post. 

ps note of the week dont microwave you chocolate-filled donut. it just doesnt work that way.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Transfer Project 2010 part 3 : Mozilla Firefox Extension

now on firefox. if compare this with my google chrome extension, firefox have more extension. this is because firefox have a lot of great extension that i need.

1 click oyutube
auto page
download statusbar
java console
memory fox
rika ichan
tab progress bar

pop up virtual keyboard
chrome tabs
furigana injector
google gears
google toolbar
hp smart
html ruby
loadtabs progressifvely
mozilla archive format
new tab king
page zipper
pdf it
save session
tweak network

Monday, October 18, 2010

Transfer Project 2010 part 2 : Google Chrome Extension

another list of my extension. that i use on my google chrome


  • Animewatcher
  • Autopager
  • Delicious
  • Flashblock
  • Google task
  • Lastpass
  • Mouse stroke
  • Youtube downloader

  • Adblock
  • Adsweep
  • All mangasreader
  • Chrome milk
  • Date today
  • Expose untitled youtube link
  • Fastest chrome
  • Jdchrome
  • Mangadja
  • Rescue time chrome
  • Rotate right
  • Screencapture
  • Singlefile
  • Smooth scroll
  • Speed dial
  • Stay focused
  • Tab organizer
  • Typing speed monitor
  • Webpage screenshot
  • Youtube enhancer
  • Youtube thumb